The average house price on WENTWORTH CLOSE is £284,525
The most expensive house in the street is 8 WENTWORTH CLOSE with an estimated value of £380,082
The cheapest house in the street is 2 WENTWORTH CLOSE with an estimated value of £217,509
The house which was most recently sold was 7 WENTWORTH CLOSE, this sold on 4 Mar 2022 for £295,000
The postcode for WENTWORTH CLOSE is LE10 1RZ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 WENTWORTH CLOSE Semi-Detached , 83 m2 £217,509 £163,000 7 Oct 2016
4 WENTWORTH CLOSE Detached , 79 m2 £293,656 £182,500 31 Jan 2014
5 WENTWORTH CLOSE Detached , 79 m2 £279,664 £163,000 20 Aug 2012
6 WENTWORTH CLOSE Detached £355,269 £70,000 20 Aug 1997
7 WENTWORTH CLOSE Detached , 77 m2 £307,960 £295,000 4 Mar 2022
8 WENTWORTH CLOSE Detached , 99 m2 £380,082 £159,950 10 Jun 2003
10 WENTWORTH CLOSE Semi-Detached £264,159 £70,500 7 Jul 2000
12 WENTWORTH CLOSE Semi-Detached , 70 m2 £245,940 £197,000 12 Jul 2018
14 WENTWORTH CLOSE Terraced , 70 m2 £262,609 £56,250 6 Nov 1998
17 WENTWORTH CLOSE Semi-Detached £309,718 £84,000 5 Oct 2000
18 WENTWORTH CLOSE Terraced , 82 m2 £235,365 £152,000 6 Jun 2014
19 WENTWORTH CLOSE Semi-Detached £280,825 £70,000 12 Jan 2000
20 WENTWORTH CLOSE Terraced £266,074 £159,000 12 Jul 2013